How Can You Support a Loved One Going Through Loss?
These articles give great suggestions for how to support someone going through child loss:
7 Ways To Support The Bereaved Parent In Your Life
6 Things Never to Say to a Bereaved Parent

Be there. Sit and Listen.
Cry with them, hug them, sit in the sadness with them.

Remember their child. Say their name.
Months and years later, continue to remember and include their child in conversation and in special occasions.

Order Healing Gifts
Haven Midwest curates healing gift packages focused on self care and healing.
LaurelBox helps you build a Remembrance Gift box to show you care. Click here to order.
Molly Bears creates weighted bears to comfort families coping with baby loss. Click here for the order form.
The Cooper Project makes hand stamped personalized bracelets and necklaces for grieving mothers. Order jewelry with the child's name or initials here.

Deliver meals
Set up or participate in a meal train. Or just drop off goodies and meals, because who wants to cook when you are grieving?
In The Arms of Jesus Grief Support partners with Bliss Baked Goods and Comfort Food by Meredith Klein. To order a meal, email Meredith using this hyperlink.
*Mention code "Healing Gifts" to receive $5 off your order.
A little about Bliss: "All items made fresh to order and delivered within the Omaha area for no additional charge. The Comfort Foods side will bring warm meals with pastries and rolls or bread to you or those you request it for. Soups, stews, and casseroles will be available. All available for heat and eat ease."

Offer to do household chores
Cleaning, doing laundry, or attempting other errands or tasks are difficult when you are mourning. Offer to take these chores off their load.